The Australian Association for the Education of the Gifted and Talented, during Gifted Awareness Week 2022
brings you an online seminar Celebrating the GAW 2022 theme, Like Minds
Building Inclusive Gifted Programs to Enfranchise and Empower All Gifted Learners
presented by
Dr Dina Brulles
11am - 1pm AEST 21 May 2022
Cost: $25;
(Discounted price for AAEGT members: $5);
(Discounted price for NAGCM & NZCGE members: $15)
The hallmark of excellence in gifted education insists on inclusivity and equitable identification, along with vibrant, culturally diverse programming practices and culturally responsive classrooms. In this session the presenter discusses methods and approaches that can help integrate the needs of our diverse gifted learners into every aspect of school. Focusing on enfranchising and empowering all gifted learners, Dr. Brulles will share practical steps like-minded advocates can make to build, support and maintain inclusive gifted practices and programs. Dr. Brulles will also discuss gifted cluster grouping, one such inclusive model that allows gifted-identified students to learn together all day, every day; enfranchises underrepresented populations; and yields desirable achievement outcomes for all students.
Topics include:
Dina Brulles, Ph.D., is the Gifted Education Director in Arizona, the Gifted Program Coordinator at Arizona State University and NAGC’s Governance Secretary. Dina’s work centers on increasing equity and diversity in gifted programming and building culturally responsive practices in gifted education. Dr. Brulles’ books include: A Teacher’s Guide to Flexible Grouping and Collaborative Learning; Designing Gifted Education Programs; Differentiated Lessons for All Learners; The Cluster Grouping Handbook; Teaching Gifted Kids in Today’s Classrooms; Helping All Gifted Children Learn; Ensuring Equity: Identifying and Serving All Gifted Students Using the Naglieri Tests of General Ability; and the Naglieri Ability Test – Verbal