The Australian Association for the Education of the Gifted and Talented (AAEGT) is a national organisation committed to furthering the education and wellbeing of gifted students.
Through evidence-based leadership, advocacy, collaboration, education and communication, the AAEGT strives for the vision that all gifted students across the nation are recognised and have their intellectual and affective needs met through appropriate educational provision.
AAEGT members are parents, educators, academics/researchers and other professionals whose family or work life brings them in contact with gifted children.
The AAEGT is a special purpose not for profit company registered with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.
This policy is an exemplar developed by the Australian Association for the Education of the Gifted and Talented (AAEGT) to support Australian schools to provide for gifted students. It should be used in conjunction with other policies, legislation and guidelines in gifted education that are applicable to individual schools and school systems.
The work of the Board includes responding to nationally significant matters in the field of gifted education. From time to time the Board produces press releases to emphasise its position on these significant matters.
The AAEGT has now established the AAEGT International Friendship and Collaboration. The International Friendship and Collaboration is constructed in the spirit of collaboration around common goals and vision for gifted education with our international community. It is through this that the AAEGT seeks to support and promote international endeavours to enhance outcomes for gifted children through advocacy, professional learning, research, and consultation. The AAEGT Board is presently in final conversations with international gifted associations in Aotearoa New Zealand and Malaysia to offer this formal relationship, and to open discussions and future opportunities. Additionally, ongoing collaboration with New Zealand, Malaysia and Jamaica has solidified partnerships around Gifted Awareness Week and directed early discussions for future projects and shared resourcing.
Life membership is an honour bestowed on individual members whose exceptional, loyal and outstanding service and contribution over an extended period of time, has significantly contributed to the objectives of the AAEGT.
The Australian Association for the Education of the Gifted and Talented John Geake Outstanding Thesis Award was first established in 2010. It is awarded biannually to a PhD or EdD graduate as special recognition for an outstanding thesis that contributes important knowledge to the study of giftedness or gifted education, broadly defined.
In 2020, the AAEGT re-visioned and reinstated the AAEGT Award for Eminence in Gifted Education. Awarded biennially, the AAEGT Award for Eminence in Gifted Education recognises an eminent Australian who has made a significant contribution to the Australian gifted education landscape through their career and volunteer efforts.