The Australasian Journal of Gifted Education

The Australasian Journal of Gifted Education is the official scholarly peer-reviewed publication of the Australian Association for the Education of the Gifted and Talented (AAEGT). The journal publishes original research, theory and related articles (including book reviews and interviews) on the education, training or development of individuals of high intellectual, creative, socio-affective or sensorimotor abilities, in all of their respective dimensions, broadly defined.

Two issues of the journal are published each year. 

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Submission Guidelines

Submit your manuscript by clicking on the "Submit a paper" button below.

Manuscript submissions require the following documents.

  • A covering letter that outlines the title of the manuscript, the length of the manuscript, and the number of tables/figures (if any) 
  • A title page that includes the title of the manuscript, full names and affiliations of all authors, the contact details of all authors (i.e., email, address, telephone), an indication of the corresponding author, and the date of manuscript submission 
  • The blind manuscript with no author identifying information 
  • Tables and figures, if any, as separate attachments 

All manuscript submissions are initially screened for appropriateness and originality, before being subject to blind peer review by at least two anonymous reviewers. 

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It is noted that all manuscripts are expected to: 

  • Be typewritten, double-spaced, have margins of at least one inch, and use Times New Roman 12 font 
  • Include an abstract of 100-150 words 
  • Include 3 to 5 keywords 
  • Follow the guidelines of the seventh edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association 

If any manuscripts incorporate copyright protected material, authors are expected to have written permission from the original publisher to reproduce this material. Moreover, appropriate acknowledgement will need to be given of the permission granted in the manuscript. 

One manuscript and up to nine accompanying documents may be submitted as part of a single submission.


Professor Jae Yup Jung

School of Education, The University of New South Wales Sydney, Australia

Associate Editors 

Dr Nadine Ballam (Waikato University)

Associate Professor Margaret Plunkett (Federation University)

Dr Geraldine Townend (The University of New South Wales)

Book Review Editor 

Dr Carly Lassig (Queensland University of Technology)

Editorial Panel 

Dr Katrina Eddles-Hirsch University of Notre Dame
Dr Bascal Rhoda Myra Garces National Institute of Education, Singapore
Dr Leonie Kronborg Monash University
Professor Ching-Chih Kuo National Taiwan Normal University
Dr Carly Lassig Queensland University of Technology
Professor Valerie Margrain Karlstad University, Sweden
Professor Michael Matthews University of North Carolina, USA
Professor Roger Moltzen University of Waikato, New Zealand
Professor Jonathan Plucker Johns Hopkins University, USA
Associate Professor Tracy Riley Massey University, New Zealand
Professor Karen Rogers University of St Thomas, USA
Professor Jiannong Shi Academy of Sciences, China
Dr Susen Smith The University of New South Wales
Professor Heidrun Stoeger University of Regensburg, Germany
Professor Wilma Vialle University of Wollongong
Dr Janna Wardman University of Auckland, New Zealand
Associate Professor James Watters Queensland University of Technology
Dr Melinda Webber University of Auckland, New Zealand
Dr Denise Wood Charles Sturt University
Dr Catherine Wormald University of Wollongong


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Journal Rank 

The latest (2023) ranking outcomes for the Australasian Journal of Gifted Education are as follows: 

  • The CiteScore of the journal is the highest ever at 2.90. On the basis of the CiteScore quartile, the journal is now the equal number five ranked international journal in gifted education.
  • SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) of 0.393 for the journal is its highest ever, and places it in the second quartile of international journals in Education for the very first time. According to the SJR quartile, the journal is now the equal number three ranked international journal in gifted education (only behind Gifted Child Quarterly and Roeper Review). 
  • Source Normalised Impact Per Paper (SNIP) of 1.282 for the journal is the highest ever, and places it as the outright fourth ranked international journal in gifted education (only behind Gifted Child Quarterly, High Ability Studies and Roeper Review).


All material appearing in the Australasian Journal of Gifted Education is copyright protected. Apart from any fair dealing for educational purposes as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced by any process without written permission from the publisher. Moreover, it is noted that the articles that appear in the journal only represent the views of the authors, and are not necessarily representative of the views of the Australian Association for the Education of the Gifted and Talented. 


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