Advocacy Campaign

The AAEGT is calling on your support for our current National Advocacy Campaign.

Main theme:

Gifted students need talent development to thrive


Name me

The aim is to have the Minister, politicians and educators include the words gifted students when and where appropriate. They should be more regularly spoken of by these people in speeches and plans.

Reference me

Make sure all key and foundation education documents include appropriate statements for gifted learners and all key bodies support gifted education in their areas, e.g. Australian Professional Standards for Teachers.

Plan for me

Create a national strategic plan to implement the changes in documents and consider the addition of a document called “Standards for Gifted Education” so that the government continues to support the needs of gifted learners into the future.

Desired Outcomes of our Political Advocacy Campaign are:

  • to have gifted and the needs of gifted learners mentioned in all key education documents;
  • the establishment of a funded National Strategic Plan to improve the learning and social and emotional outcomes for gifted students.

Act Now!

Parents, teachers, researchers and other people interested in gifted education are encouraged to email politicians in support of this campaign.

Letters to MPs are much more effective when they are personalised and from someone in their electorate.

Download a template to use anytime HERE.

You can find your current Federal MP HERE.

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