AAEGT's 2022 ONLINE Conference
AAEGT 2022 Virtual Conference
Future Focus:
A Gifted Education Paradigm Shift
Friday Oct 21 - Saturday Oct 22, 2022
We have an excellent range of speakers to schedule in our parallel sessions.
Some abstracts are still undergoing peer review, and some presenters are still to confirm.
The following is a sneak preview of a few of our parallel presenters.
Rosalind Walsh & Mark Boniface
Implementing the Equity Placement Model in NSW Selective Education
This presentation explores the equity placement of students from low-socio-educational backgrounds, Aboriginal students, gifted learners with disability, and students from rural and remote backgrounds in selective schools...
Rosalind is currently the DoE Educational Lead of the High Performing Students Program working on equity initiatives for selective high schools...
Mark is the Program Director for the High Preforming Students Program...
C. June Maker, Ph.D., Litt.D. & Robert H. Zimmerman, Ph.D
A Needed Paradigm Shift: Assessing the Rich Associative Network of Knowledge Necessary for Creativity through Concept Mapping
This session explores a project to increase diversity and identify future innovators in STEM using concept maps in life and physical science....
C. June Maker, Professor Emerita, in the Department of Disability and Psychoeducational Studies, University of Arizona is an associate editor for 2 international journals...
Robert H. Zimmerman developed and implemented science education programs and assessments using problem-based learning for over 20 years...
Dr Susan Nikakis & Kathy Harrison
Empowering Parents
This presentation outlines how provision of support for parents evolved over three years in response to the Covid pandemic and need.....
Kathy leads the team that develops and presents VAGTC seminars, provides coaching and individual consultancy, focusing on theory into practice in gifted education...
Dr Nikakis has written and edited three books centred on the education of gifted students. She has delivered papers and keynote addresses at both international and national conferences...
Bohdan Balla-Gow
Leading High Potential and Gifted Education across NSW Public Schools
Learn why over 98% of 20,000 surveyed NSW Public School principals, school leaders and teachers (2020-2022) agree that the the new approach to gifted education is part of core business for schools; not something additional or optional....
Bohdan is working across school performance directorates facilitating coordinated strategic planning, leadership capacity building and evaluative practices to embed and deepen HPGE Policy implementation across NSW Public Schools....
Carolyn Prince
What's the point? Gifted perspectives on school learning experiences.
This presentation explores issues contributing to underachievement in a small group of gifted adolescents...
Carolyn is a dynamic and passionate presenter who enjoys sharing learning opportunities with others...
Advocating for the future of gifted students
This presentation explores the most effective form of advocacy required to create a paradigm shift and to advocate for a positive future for gifted students. ....
Michele provides counselling and programs for gifted youth and their parents; professional development; project management; consultation; advocacy; research and resource development ...
Alexander Fox, Bronwen Martin & Kathy Harrison
The Victorian High Ability Program - A case study
This presentation will focus on the design and implementation of a program which aims to cater for Victorian high ability students statewide...
Alex is acting Assistant Principal for the Victorian High Ability Program. He is currently focused on pedagogy for high ability learners...
Bronwen's plethora of experience contributes to her collaborative work to deliver the best possible learning experience and outcomes for gifted and high ability learners...
Kathy is a curriculum writer and teacher of VHAP Maths who designs professional learning for teachers, support and advocacy for gifted students and families....
C. June Maker, Ph.D., Litt.D., Myra Wearne & Susan Tickle
Shifting from Gifted Education for the Few to Talent Development for the Many through Real Engagement in Active Problem Solving (REAPS)
This session will present an evidence-based model for talent development enabling all students to develop creativity, critical thinking, cooperation, and communication. ...
C. June Maker, Professor Emerita, in the Department of Disability and Psychoeducational Studies, University of Arizona is an associate editor for 2 international journals...
Susan Tickle is a school principal and an advocate for gifted and talented students....
Myra Wearne has engaged in multiple projects aimed at bridging the gap between educational theory and practice...
Garth Bolwell & Rosalind Walsh
Supporting Gifted Learners with Disability to transition to selective high school
This presentation outlines a pilot program that will involve all stakeholders in the evolution of a best practice model that aims to effectively transition GLD students...
Garth is currently the Engagement Lead Advisor in the High Performing Students Program at the NSW Department of Education...
Rosalind is currently the DoE Educational Lead of the High Performing Students Program working on equity initiatives for selective high schools...
Jae Yup Jung, PhD
The Australasian Journal of Gifted Education: Publishing in the Official Scholarly Publication of the AAEGT
The editor of the Australasian Journal of Gifted Education will discuss the aims of the journal, its standing in the international field of gifted education, the types of articles it accepts, the review process, tips on getting published.....
Jae is the current editor of the Australasian Journal of Gifted Education, and a member of the Board of the Australian Association for the Education of the Gifted and Talented....
Felicity Donohue
Raising the profile of gifted education in a school setting: a case study
Felicity shares her insights on how to effectively plan for change across the school to have a shared vision of the importance of gifted education in a school context. ...
Felicity is an experienced school leader with expertise in senior leadership, curriculum leadership, assessment and reporting and gifted education.
Dr Rebecca D. Napier
Family session: Developing healthy perfectionism with the gifted child for families
This presentation explores why perfectionism can be an especially challenging issue for gifted children. Simple and positive strategies families can use to help support gifted children with perfectionism will be discussed. ...
Wellbeing of gifted individuals is a current passion area for Rebecca...
Dr Genevieve Thraves & Associate Professor Jennifer Charteris
Paradigms, policy and perspectives in gifted education in Australasia.
This presentation will report the findings of two studies that adopted a paradigmatic lens to explore gifted education in the Australasian region...
Geneveive is particularly interested in education for high-ability learners, and supporting teachers and schools to effectively cater for their gifted and talented students....
Jennifer’s work has informed curriculum and policy and has been used in professional development programs with teachers...
Rebecca Keough
Digital Differentiation: Harnessing technology to bridge location barriers.
This session will share practical ways that primary school educators can harness technology to create differentiated asynchronous learning environments ...
Rebecca has an interest in pedagogy and practice through an integrated learning lens incorporating technology to enable students to reach their potential...
Anna Fowler
Twice-exceptional identification practices: An exploratory case study
This exploratory case study into current early learning identification practices sought to identify both exceptions (giftedness and disabilities) for students
Anna's current research explores identification practices in the early years of schooling, exploring their potential to identify both exceptions in these unique learners...
Dr Gemma Scarparolo
What do gifted students want their teachers to know? Implications for policy and practice
This aim of this small qualitative study was to learn more about the experiences of intellectually gifted primary school age children in Western Australia...
Gemma is passionate about preparing pre-service teachers to be inclusive, responsive and empathetic teachers ...
Dr Rebecca D. Napier & Emeritus Professor R. John Halsey
Complex Problems Abound: It’s Time to Harness the Power of Transformationally Gifted Girls’ Education.
Courageous and innovative individuals are needed urgently to work on the complex problems and challenges of our modern world...
Wellbeing of gifted individuals is a current passion area for Rebecca...
John is an Emeritus Professor at Flinders University and has been a Fulbright Scholar...
Dr Michelle Ronksley-Pavia
Addressing Ability in Dis/Ability: Case Studies of Strength-Based Approaches for Supporting Twice-Exceptional Learners
This presentation will outline preliminary findings from a research project that explored how schools have been responding to the unique needs of twice-exceptional students in ways that draw on their abilities...
As an internationally recognised expert on disability and giftedness, Dr Ronksley-Pavia has published widely on a range of important topics including stigma and disability, bullying and disability, prevalence of twice-exceptionality and contemporary issues in initial teacher education...
Kintara Phillips & Charlotte Ingram
Asynchronous and accelerated; navigating the school system.
Sharing the research and lived experience: a caase study for radical acceleration for a 2E student ...
Kintara teaches in the Masters of Teaching at two Victorian Universities, employing the butterfly effect by mentioning gifted learners frequently (even if it’s not in the course outline). ....
Charlotte is a 2e parent of a 2e child and has advocated tirelessly over the last decade for her child’s right to access an appropriate education ...
Jacqueline Hardman
The influence of in-service professional learning on teacher attitudes in a gifted school in Tasmania
This study examines the attitudes toward gifted education and gifted students of five primary school teachers who participated in professional learning (PL) with gifted students at a One Day School (ODS)...
Jacqueline Hardman is Learning Extension Coordinator at MacKillop Catholic College. She is concurrently researching gifted education with the UNSW Doctor of Education program...
𝗠𝗲𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗱𝗮 𝗚𝗶𝗻𝗱𝘆
Professional Learning, ITE and Gifted in Australia
How are the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers measuring up against outputs desired for effective gifted education? How do these align with the research in the field? ...
Melinda is president of the AAEGT and has been an invited and sessional presenter at a number of local, state, national and international conferences. She is currently in the Educational Leadership Doctoral program at Western Kentucky University...
Leonor Conejeros and Susen Smith
Homeschooling as an alternative educational option for supporting gifted students’ well-being
In this session, the option of homeschooling will be explored and the advantages for gifted students’ well-being will be reiterated....
Leonor is full professor in the School of Education, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso, Chile...
Susen is GERRIC Honorary Research Fellow, School of Education, UNSW, Australia...
Sarah Bond & Jasna Giebeler
Toward a Talent Development Model
This session will address the Academic Talent Development philosophy and approach, contrast this approach with traditional Gifted & Talented programs, and provide practical examples of talent development in action...
Sarah Bond is the Associate Dean of Learning and Teaching (New Teachers) and Coordinator for Academic Talent Development (ATD) programs at The Southport School (Senior School)...
Jasna Giebeler is the Coordinator for Academic Talent Development (ATD) programs at The Southport School (Preparatory School) on the Gold Coast, in Queensland, Australia...
Deb Walker
The Never-Ending Journey- Creating a paradigm shift in gifted education. A perspective from Aotearoa New Zealand.
This session will share the journey of gifted education in the state system in Aotearoa New Zealand, from near non-existence to mandated practice, from working in isolation to being included in Learning Support...
Deb is the Project Lead of Gifted NEX, the gifted-ed coordinator of the Massey University Specialist Teacher Programme, on the MoE Gifted Advisory...
40 Minute Session
Kimberley Perry
Labels: Liabilities or Limitless Possibilities?
Identity formation begins with self-knowledge, not only of an individuals’ disability, but their learning abilities, talents and strengths. Identity development often leaves gifted and twice-exceptional individuals with strong convictions and purpose in life, whereas failure to navigate these challenges may bring uncertainty and underachievement....
Kimberley Perry is passionate about encouraging and supporting adolescents through the challenging teenage years to achieve their full potential..
Sarah Bond & Jasna Giebeler ctd
Deb Walker ctd
Kylie Bice
Embracing Acceleration: Why do schools continue to be frightened of this evidence-based practice?
In order for schools to move into a future of highly effective and personalised education for gifted and talented students, there must be a shift away from a fear of acceleration to a paradigm of acceleration as an essential strategy in our tool kit...
Kylie has many years of experience working with gifted and talented students in government and non-government schools in Western Australia and is now an education consultant...
Michele Juratowitch
Electronic Gaming: Is a paradigm shift required?
Understanding the dynamics of electronic gaming, the impact of games on gifted students’ emotions, drives and behaviour patterns will help parents and teachers to engage youth in appropriate learning, while establishing and maintaining a healthy life balance that will benefit gifted youth in the future....
Michele provides counselling and programs for gifted youth and their parents; professional development; project management; consultation; advocacy; research and resource development ...
Jessica Potts, PhD
Leveraging Technology to Foster Collaborative Communities for Gifted Students.
This presentation will describe how Davidson Academy Online developed and later assessed this game-changing advisory program and will offer a blueprint for other schools to follow.....
Jessica Potts is the Curriculum Coordinator at Davidson Academy Online, a virtual school for profoundly gifted students...
Penina Kiss
The Student is Gifted - Now What? Bridging the Gap Between Psychometric Reports and Classroom Practices
This session aims to bridge the gap between psychometric reports and classroom practices for practitioners who teach high potential and gifted learners....
Penina has worked in a range of leadership roles in curriculum, teaching & learning and diverse learning. She has a passion for the identification of diverse gifted learners, teacher professional learning & more...
Cate Stilwell
Moving from High Potential to High Achievement
Using Françoys Gagné's adapted model of Differentiated Model of Giftedness this presentation explores the environmental catalysts that can be used to foster talent development...
Cate, during 2020 and 2021, worked as a writer with the High Potential and Gifted Education team...
Estee Stephenson
In pursuit of excellence through diversity: implementing universal screening for high-ability students
A K-12 school implemented universal screening to ensure excellence through diversity, using multiple measures to identify high potential and gifted students. ...
Estee's professional interests include differentiation for all learners and programs and provisions for Twice Exceptional students....
Kerstin Brausewetter
Class clown or comedian, "know-it-all" or teaching talent - how can I find and develop (unusual) talents?
Supposed weaknesses of students with different kinds of issues will be reinterpreted into strengths and examples for appropriate activities will be presented...
A trained high school teacher and college lecturer, Kerstin is active as coach, counsellor, author, keynote speaker and consultant ...
Julia Bailey
A whole school approach towards provisioning for gifted learners
This session explores the necessary aspects to ensuring that organisational structures actively support knowing, noticing and provisioning for gifted learners...
Julia leads professional learning for teachers, leaders and support staff using a change management model to shift thinking for some of our most at-risk learners...
Dr Geraldine Townend
Reaching our marginalised gifted students - developing practice to support twice-exceptional students
The aim of this presentation is to share some of the research about twice exceptional students: who they are, why they are often overlooked, and some examples of how we might support them...
Geraldine is a researcher and lecturer in the areas of gifted education, gifted learners with disability...
Matthew Zakreski, PsyD
Understanding “The Performance Cliff:” How to Manage it and Prevent it
The Performance Cliff is a psycho-educational phenomenon that occurs in the gifted population whereas a student will be performing exceptionally well until ... they suddenly begin to struggle....
Matthew is a clinical psychologist who specializes in working with neurodiverse people ...
Dr Amanda J Harper
Through the Dąbrowski lens: Exploring the relationship between OEs, transformational giftedness, and wisdom, with a view to embracing gifted diversity for a better world.
This session explores the relationship between OEs, transformational giftedness, and wisdom, with a view to embracing gifted diversity for a better world...
Amanda's PhD focused on the development of empathy and Dąbrowski’s Theory of Positive Disintegration, for which she received the 2018 John Geake Outstanding Thesis Award...
Dr Maja Milatovic
Future-focused pedagogies: Neurodiversity and Gifted Education in Australia
Exploring neurodiversity's emphasis on inclusivity, social justice and challenging deficit-based approaches, discuss educational equity, neurodiversity and the role of lived experience ....
Maja is an interdisciplinary researcher and teacher passionate about gifted and inclusive education, neurodiversity and educational
Call for Abstracts
Deadline Extended until 15th July!!
The AAEGT Conference Committee invites abstracts for the 2022 AAEGT Virtual Conference to be on Friday 21st and Saturday 22nd October 2022.
The conference theme is Future Focus: A Gifted Education Paradigm Shift.
The conference will include five different streams relating to the theme. Submissions are invited which address the following topics:
Submissions are encouraged from: academia in gifted education, Masters and PhD/EdD researchers in gifted education, teacher practitioners in gifted education, and non-teaching professionals in gifted education.
Presentations: Abstracts can be submitted for either a 20-minute parallel presentation or a 40-minute parallel presentation. Please allow for 5 minutes Q&A during your session duration. A maximum of three presenters can be included per presentation, although all authors must be acknowledged in the presentation where relevant. An individual can be included in up to two abstract submissions. Presentations are encouraged to convey an essence of celebration and/or be positive in construction. Presentations must not unreasonably promote personal sales of programs, publications or resources.
Important Date:
Friday 15th July 2022: Extended deadline for submission of abstracts.
Abstract Submission: All abstracts must be submitted online via this link. Abstracts, which should be no more than 250 words, may report the results of completed research, describe research in progress, present an evidence-based position on an issue related to the conference themes or present a case discussion. Abstracts should address the selection criteria and include a declaration of any conflict of interest. Abstracts will be published in the digital conference handbook, along with the bio (100 words) of each presenter.
Selection Criteria: Abstracts will be blind-reviewed against the following criteria: relevance to the conference theme, evidence-based, clarity, significance, and relevance. The AAEGT Conference Committee will notify all applicants of the outcome of their submission in early August 2022.
Please Note: Presentation of accepted abstracts is contingent on registration for the conference; persons whose abstracts are accepted will be required to register at least 4 weeks prior to the conference in order for their presentation to appear on the final program.
QR Code for Abstract Submission