Gifted & Talented Action Research

"It gave me the enthusiasm to bring these ideas back to my school and advocate and cater appropriately for our gifted and talented students"

I attended the Gifted and Talented Action Research run by the Melbourne Archdiocese in 2023. The four sessions focused on identifying gifted and talented students and twice-exceptional (2E) students, differentiation, and the development and implementation of inclusive policies. At the end of the year, each member shared their action research project.

The professional learning experience was engaging, collaborative, practical, and innovative. Dr. Susan Nikakis’ passion was truly inspiring and gave me the enthusiasm to bring these ideas back to my school and advocate and cater appropriately for our gifted and talented students. As a new coordinator in the field, I had much to learn, and this professional development provided reassurance and guidance. I was able to write a comprehensive and inclusive policy for our school.

I ensured that a member of staff would attend the course in 2024 and in future years. It’s too valuable to miss, and the more people who have this exposure, the better equipped we are to cater to our gifted and talented students effectively.

Brenda McCullagh - BEAM Program Coordinator - Learning Area Leader – Gifted and Talented

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07 Aug, 2024
Researchers at Deakin University are interested to hear your views and experiences of school attendance and school attendance challenges. Are you a school staff member in an Australian school program? OR Are you: The parent of a school-aged child? Living in Australia? Fluent in English? Follow this link to complete the survey. Upon completion of the survey you may enter a draw to win a retail gift voucher. Contact for further information. This study has received Deakin University ethics approval (reference number: HEAG H 94_2023) Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
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