Guiding the Rocket Ship: Why Gifted Learners Should Not Have to Learn Alone


While gifted learners are often driven by their interests and can appear to be highly independent, this does not mean that they ought to be left to pursue their learning independently. The importance of significant persons and intrapersonal traits and attributes as catalysts of talent development in Gagné’s Differentiated Model of Giftedness and Talent show gifted learners must be thoughtfully guided by teachers who have been trained in the field of gifted education.



Gifted students; Gagné’s Differentiated Model of Giftedness and Talent; DMGT; classroom teacher; teacher attitudes; perfectionism; goal-valuation; motivation; talent development



I remember the moment clearly. I had rushed through the set exercises in my grammar textbook, fumbling my work on clauses and punctuation, keen to have it done so I could move on to more interesting things. I finished the chapter and looked around. The rest of my class were taking their time. The person next to me was only halfway through the task. I pulled out my second exercise book, the one that contained my novel manuscript, and picked up the pen. Then the teacher called my name and asked me what I was doing.

“Oh, I’ve finished the work, Sir,” I said, in that presumptuous, assuring tone of voice which talented students learn early. Don’t worry about me. Worry about the other kids who are falling behind.

“I can see that,” he said. “But who said that means you get to decide what you go onto next?”

I was a rocket ship, but there needed to be a bit more work done on the ship and the navigation system before it went hurtling off into the far reaches of the universe.

In the Kierkegaardian sense that life makes sense when looking backwards but must be lived looking forwards, this was my first encounter with the myth that is the subject of this paper. The myth is that gifted learners can, or should, be left to learn alone. Such a statement assumes that learning is binary dichotomy – either someone learned, or they did not, and there is no interim degree – and it also groups gifted learners into a single homogenous group. It assumes that all gifted learners have this capability to work independently and self-regulate effectively, and that it is an appropriate intervention to allow every gifted learner to proceed through typical classwork at a rapid speed and then be master of their own (cognitive) domain.


This leads me to my present mission: to evaluate the myth that gifted learners can and should learn alone or by themselves. In order to do that I will refer to Gagné’s Differentiated Model of Giftedness and Talent (hence DMGT), focusing on the influence of environmental and intrapersonal factors on the development of talent, and the known problem of underachievement among gifted learners. I’ll recommend some strategies for working effectively to support rocket ships (read: gifted learners) based around improving environmental factors, building intrapersonal skills and attributes, and reversing or reducing underachievement.

The Myth and Gagné’s Differentiated Model of Giftedness and Talent


Gagné’s Differentiated Model of Giftedness and Talent provides a diagrammatic overview of the procedure of talent development – that is, the process of translating gifts as natural abilities in physical and mental domains (Gagné, 2009, p. 64) through catalysts into competencies or talents (ibid). Gagné divides the catalysts into environmental factors (milieu, individuals and provisions), and intrapersonal factors (physical and mental traits, and awareness, motivation and volition as aspects of goal-motivation). In this section, I’ll focus on the environmental factors of individuals (namely the classroom teacher) and provisions (the educational opportunities afforded to the student, especially ones offered as unique differentiated adjustments) in debunking the idea that gifted learners should learn by themselves.


Classroom Teacher as Environmental Factor

A range of research established the profound influence of a classroom teacher on their students, including their gifted learners (Baudson & Preckel, 2016). Research into so-called ‘self-fulfilling prophecies’ has shown the significant impact which teachers’ expectations will have on outcomes for their students (Jussim & Harber, 2005), and Lassig summarises Clark’s finding that the classroom teacher “significantly affects the development of gifted students” (Lassig, 2009, p.40). If the gifted learner was able to learn by themselves, then the classroom teacher would have to have little to no measurable influence on a student’s acquisition of learning. Instead, the opposite is true. The influence of a teacher’s attitudes and beliefs on their practice (Lassig, 2009; Jung, 2014) heavily impacts student achievement.


Provisions (or lack thereof) as Environmental Factor 

The typical classroom is not perfectly effective as a space of adjustment (that is, provision) for the needs of gifted learners, including their need to be intellectually stimulated (Siegle & McCoach, 2018, p. 565). Subotnik, Olszewski-Kubulius & Worrell note that “opportunities provided by society are crucial at every point in the talent development process” and also note “the need for all students to be challenged in their schoolwork…. Appropriate educational programming, training and support are required” (Subotnik, Olszewski-Kubilius & Worrell, 2011, p.3-4). The fact that there is a clear need for external opportunities, appropriate programming, training and support further discredits the notion that gifted learners can be left to their own self-determined devices.



Overall, important persons and provisions are both catalysts which play a significant role in translating gifts into talents in Gagne’s DMGT (Gagné, 2009). A teacher’s attitudes and beliefs will greatly impact their students, and a lack of appropriate provisions or adjustments will prevent a gifted learner from being given appropriately challenging work, or appropriate support. As such, the myth that gifted learners can or should learn by themselves is disproven.

The Myth and the Fact of Underachievement


McCoach and Siegle have defined underachievement as “the discrepancy between expected achievement based on one’s intellectual potential/ability and observed academic performance” (McCoach & Siegle, 2014; Steenbergen-Hu et al, 2020). Underachievement is rampant among the gifted population, particularly among male students (Hatley and Townend, 2020). As such, it will be demonstrated that students’ attitudes (including their conceptions of intelligence) and both their goal-valuation and motivation significantly influence their learning. In this context, while some gifted learners may be capable of extended independent work, the heterogeneity of learners’ motivation, self-regulation skills, and adaptive/maladaptive perfectionism means not all students can do this.


Fixed Mindsets and Perfectionism

Perfectionism is not unique to gifted learners, and both gifted and non-gifted learners can exhibit adaptive or maladaptive perfectionism; it is still true that “many gifted students do display concerning qualities of unhealthy perfectionism” (Mofield et al, 2019, p. 1). Maladaptive perfectionism can lead to behaviours such as delaying classwork, compulsive action, a fear of failure, and task/challenge-avoidance (ibid). Researchers have drawn a division between Evaluative Concerns, or maladaptive attributes, and Positive Strivings (Speirs Neumeister, 2016). In this framework, the former includes factors such as Concern Over Mistakes, Parent Criticism, and Parental Expectations (Mofield et al, 2019). If learners have a fixed conception of intelligence then they may feel that their sense of self or their identity as ‘bright’ or possibly ‘gifted’ learners is at risk when a difficult task is presented to them, and they may then avoid the task completely in order to avoid the failure in the one task compromising their whole identify and self-efficacy (Mofield et al, 2019). As summarised by Siegle and McCoach, “for [these learners], not performing is less risky than performing and failing” (Siegle & McCoach, 2018, p.566).

As such, if a gifted learner is motivated by Positive Strivings, then there may be a degree to which they can learn by themselves, insofar as they possess the initiative and determination to commence and continue learning activities alone. However, students who exhibit maladaptive perfectionism need appropriate intervention and coaching from teachers and mentors in order to develop the intrapersonal traits required to come autonomous learners.


Goal-Valuation and Motivation

Mofield and Peters have argued that “all three attitude components (self-efficacy, goal-valuation, and environmental supports) must be present to catalyse the motivation and self-regulation necessary to produce ultimate achievement” (Mofield & Peters, 2019). On a similar note, in a study by McCoach and Siegle cited by McCoach and Flake, the best predictors of student achievement were found to be motivation or self-regulation as well as goal valuation, and a clear correlation was found between a student’s goal-valuation and their ability to motivate or regulate themselves to achieve said goals (McCoach & Flake, 2018, p. 209; McCoach & Siegle, 2003). Because gifted learners often have particular interests (as do all learners), it cannot be assumed that they will see the arbitrary value of mandated classwork; further, if they have been in regular classrooms for some time, they may be conditioned to see classwork that has been set for all students as boring and irrelevant to their unique interests. McCoach and Flake use Csikszentmihalyi’s flow theory to argue that educators of the gifted must set learning tasks which are complex enough to prevent boredom and not so difficult to induce anxiety; further they advise that educators must help gifted learners to value their learning goals more highly (McCoach & Flake, 2018, p. 203-204; Csikszentmihalyi, 1975; Csikszentmihalyi, 1990).

As such, because goal-valuation and motivation play a large role in successful learning, the myth that gifted learners can learn by themselves assumes that these learners always value their learning goals highly and are always motivated to achieve them. In fact, “regular classes, as compared with gifted education and advanced classes, tend to undermine, rather than support, a passion for learning” (Siegle and McCoach, 2018, p. 565; Fredricks, Alfeld, and Eccles, 2010). As such, not only can gifted learners not learn by themselves if they lack goal-valuation or motivation, but the general educational system has actively reduced these important factors in talent development.


The Influence of the Myth on Practice and Policy and Recommendations

The myth of the totally independent gifted learner has impacted teaching practice and policy in two key ways. Firstly, it has meant that the education of the gifted is not a requirement for preservice teaching programs or an explicit part of the AITSL Teaching Standards. Secondly, it has meant that vital intrapersonal traits are not always coached or explicitly developed in students. I will give an overview of each implication and then advise recommendations.


1.  Teacher Training, and the Lack Thereof

A cursory search of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers for the terms ‘gifted’ and ‘talented’ produces no results (Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership, 2011). While differentiation for “the specific learning needs of students across the full range of abilities” is specified (ibid), the fact that giftedness and talent are not explicitly present in the standards must mean that many working teachers are not aware of the potential need to seek professional development in this area. Additionally, I did not complete any training in the area of Gifted and Talent in my preservice instruction and I do not believe it is a required component in a teaching qualification in Australia. This pattern is contradicted by the Department of Education’s High Potential and Gifted Policy, which refers explicitly to ‘gifted students’ and specifies that schools must offer interventions such as grouping strategies, advanced learning pathways, acceleration and enrichment programs (NSW Government, 2022). Jung has found that most practitioners have “generally neutral attitudes towards special education interventions for gifted students by teachers” (Jung, 2014, p.237), and it is clear that the assumption that gifted learners will learn by themselves has prevented practitioners from seeking appropriate instruction and development. There seems to be a discrepancy between the requirements of schools and the proficiency of teachers, but schools are comprised of teachers, and this discrepancy must be reconciled.



a.  Raise (or Change) the Standards

The Australian Professional Standards for Teachers must explicitly refer to the instruction of gifted and talented students (and skills in talent development) as part of Standard 1: Know students and how they learn (Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership), and education in this area must form a required component of preservice instruction programs.  There needs to be a specific, particular requirement for teachers to learn how to effectively teach the gifted.

This ought to also impact ongoing professional development. The Department of Education’s High Potential and Gifted Education policy could be used as a reference point for development; for example, teachers should be cognisant of the need to learn about, practise and implement “tailored resourcing and support” (1.3.1), “significant adjustments and interventions for students in the highly gifted range” (1.3.3), and the construction of “learning environments that support high potential and gifted students to experience efficacy, agency and achieve their educational potential” (1.5.1) (NSW Government, 2022). Some of these things are assumed in the generalised language of the standards, but these generalisations are excluding the particular needs of high potential and gifted learners.


2.  Non-Identification and Non-Development

The assumption that all gifted learners can always work independently and learn by themselves has two problematic corollaries:

  1. Students who lack the self-regulation, goal-valuation and motivation to work independently may not be identified as potentially gifted learners in the first instance, and
  2. Gifted learners who cannot work independently will never receive the support they require in order to catalyse their gifts and will not develop their talent.


If a teacher’s beliefs impact their practice as discussed earlier and a teacher holds the conception that all gifted learners can work independently, then a teacher may interpret any negative behaviour as evidence of a student’s lack of giftedness. A twice-exceptional student, student with a significant learning disability, or an impulsive student with generally low self-regulation may be judged as low-ability on the basis that they are not able to work by themselves. This is a result of the teacher’s faulty assumption and a false assessment of the natural aptitude or general ability (Gagné, 2009) of such students; I can imagine that many potentially gifted students have remained invisible and unidentified because of the stigma surrounding such behaviours.


I here offer a number of recommendations, particularly focused on helping students with goal-valuation, motivation and maladaptive perfectionism, but also focused on generally effective strategies for developing talent.



1. Consciously develop students’ intrapersonal skills and traits

  • Coach a Fluid Conception of Intelligence
    A fixed or ‘entity’ view of intelligence (Mofield et al, 2019) has been shown to lead to maladaptive perfectionism and avoidance of tasks for fear of failure. If students instead view intelligence as fluid and malleable, they are more likely to interpret difficult tasks as areas of potential growth, rather than a reason for avoidance (ibid). Teachers should model positive self-talk and cognitive reframing, reward effort rather than outcome, and seize upon opportunities to praise student mistakes which lead to growth.
  • Normalise Risk-Taking and Redefine ‘Perfect’
    Following on from 1.1, students who fear failure are less likely to take risks, but risk-taking is a fundamental aspect of being creative: ergo, students who do not take risks are limited in their potential to learn (Mofield et al, 2019). Students should be encouraged to take risks. Teachers should work with maladaptive-perfectionist students (ones who exhibit Evaluative Concerns) to set realistic goals for their work, such as the use of mastery/learning goals rather than aiming for the complete absence of mistakes (ibid).
  • Mental Contrasting
    Interventions which increase motivation and the value of learning have been shown to be the most effective interventions for underachievement in gifted learners (Siegle & McCoach, 2018). Mofield and Peters argue that mental contrasting can be an effective part of an intervention strategy for students who lack self-regulation in order to raise goal-valuation and motivation (Mofield & Peters, 2019). In this strategy, a student begins by outlining their goal and their reasons for wanting to achieve the outcome (that is, their motivation). By contrasting this ideal future against the fact of the present, learners can predict problems and solve them proactively, raising motivation and self-efficacy and increasing the likelihood of the goal being achieved.

2. Set Appropriately Challenging Work
When discussing effective teaching strategies for gifted learners, Little (2018) makes the following recommendations:

  •  Accelerate content
    Gifted learners can often acquire knowledge more quickly and more easily than their peers (Little, 2018). The work should be adjusted for them by introducing complex material earlier or eliminating unnecessary instructional content. Gagné advises customised pacing as one of seven best practices for talent development (Gagné, 2015), although it is outside the scope of this paper to discuss the benefits of acceleration fully here.
  • Metacognition and independent study
    With the vision of developing independence, gifted learners should engage in self-evaluation and metacognitive reflective tasks which can foster these independent learning skills. Gagné recommends “personal excellence goals” (Gagné, 2015, p. 289). Following on from the recommendations in (1), a classroom teacher could work with a student to develop these personal aspirations.

In general, differentiation of learning activities for gifted learners must be done proactively and intentionally, not in reaction to a student happening to complete a class task quickly.

Guiding the Rocket Ship: Conclusion

In conclusion, then, the myth is patently false. While some gifted learners may be able to learn independently, this does not mean they should learn in this way, disconnected from the classroom teacher and unwatched by any formative assessment. In fact, the significant role played by important persons as a crucial catalyst in the process of talent development means that for these learners, a close and trusting relationship with their classroom teacher is particularly significant and potentially transformative for their educational journey.


Some of our gifted learners have a second exceptionality, experience a lack of motivation, or need provisions and support to improve their goal-valuation so that they can achieve their learning goals. Other gifted learners are rocket ships: they will travel to corners of the universe (this one, and others) which we cannot see ourselves. But even rocket ships need NASA!

List of References


Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (2011). Australian Professional Standards for Teachers, AITSL, Melbourne. 

Baudson, T.G., & Preckel, F. (2016). Teachers’ Conceptions of Gifted and Average-Ability Students on Achievement-Relevant Dimensions. Gifted Child Quarterly, 60(3), 212-225.

Clark, B. (2002). Growing up gifted: Developing the potential of children at home and at school (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill Prentice Hall.

Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1975). Beyond boredom and anxiety. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1990). Flow: The psychology of optimal experience. New York, NY: HarperCollins.

Department of Education (2021, February). High Potential and Gifted Education: Guidance on implementing effective learning and teaching practices to develop the talent of high potential and gifted students. High Potential and Gifted Education P12, NSW Government.

Fredricks, J. A., Alfeld, C., & Eccles, J. (2010). Developing and fostering passion in academic and nonacademic domains. Gifted Child Quarterly, 54, 18–30.

Gagné, F. (2009). Building Gifts into Talents. In B. Macfarlane and T. Stambaugh (Eds). Leading Change in Gifted Education: The Festschrift of Dr. Joyce Vantassel-Baska (pp. 61-80). Prufrock Press.

Gagné, F. (2015). Academic talent development programs: a best practices model. Asia Pacific Education Review, 16(2), 281-285.


Jung, J.Y. (2014). Predictors of Attitudes to Gifted Programs/Provisions: Evidence from Preservice Educators. Gifted Child Quarterly, 58(4). DOI: 10.1177/0016986214547636

Jussim, L., & Harber, K.D. (2005). Teacher expectations and self-fulfilling prophecies: Knowns and unknowns, resolved and unresolved controversies. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 9, 131-155. doi:10.1207/s15327957pspr0902_3

Hately, S. and Townend, G. (2020). A Qualitative Meta-Analysis of Research into the Underachievement of Gifted Boys. The Australasian Journal of Gifted Education, 29(1). DOI:

Lassig, C. (2009). Teachers’ attitudes towards the gifted: The importance of professional development and school culture. The Australasian Journal of Gifted Education, 18(2), 32-42. 10.21505/ajge.2015.0012

Little, C.A. (2018). Teaching Strategies to Support the Education of Gifted Learners. In S.I. Pfeiffer (Ed.), APA Handbook of Giftedness and Talent (pp.371-385). American Psychological Association.

McCoach, D.B. and Flake, J.K. (2018). The Role of Motivation. In S.I. Pfeiffer (Ed.), APA Handbook of Giftedness and Talent (pp. 201-213). American Psychological Association.

McCoach, D. B., & Siegle, D. (2003). Factors that differentiate underachieving gifted students from high achieving gifted students. Gifted Child Quarterly, 47, 144–154. 001698620304700205

McCoach, D. B., & Siegle, D. (2014). Underachievers. In J. Plucker & C. Callahan (Eds.), Critical issues and practices in gifted education: What the research says (2nd ed., pp. 691–706). Waco, TX: Prufrock Press.

Mofield, E. & Peters, M.P. (2019). Understanding Achievement: Mindset, Perfectionism, and Achievement Attitudes Among Gifted Students. Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 42(2), 107-134.

Mofield, E., Peters, M.P. and Chakraborti-Ghosh, S. (2019) Perfectionism, Coping, and Underachievement in Gifted Adolescents: Avoidance vs Approach Orientations. Education Sciences, 6(4)

Speirs Neumeister, K.L. (2016). Perfectionism in gifted students. In The Social and Emotional Development of Gifted Students: What Do We Know; Neihart, M., Pfeiffer, S., Cross, T., Eds.; Prufrock Press: Waco, TX, USA, 2016; pp. 29–40.

Siegle, D. and McCoach, D.B. (2018) Underachievement and the Gifted Child. In S.I. Pfeiffer (Ed.), APA Handbook of Giftedness and Talent (pp. 559-573). American Psychological Association.

Steenbergen-Hu, S., Olszewski-Kubilius, & P., Calvert, E. (2020). The Effectiveness of current Interventions to Reverse the Underachievement of Gifted Students: Findings of a Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review. Gifted Child Quarterly, 64(2), 132-165. DOI:

Subotnik, R.F., Olszewski-Kubilius, P., & Worrell, F.C. (2011). Rethinking Giftedness and Gifted Education: A Proposed Direction Forward Based on Psychological Science. Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 12(1), 3-54.


Brendan Archbold

NB: Please note that this article only represents the views of the author(s), and is not necessarily representative of the views of the Australian Association for the Education of the Gifted and Talented.



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By Kylie Bice January 22, 2025
There is a vast amount of literature related to gifted students and their education. Decades of research has culminated in clear and consistent information about identification, characteristics, underachievement, strategies in the classroom, accelerative options, social/emotional needs, and how to plan appropriately challenging learning programs. Despite this, gifted students remain widely under-served, under-stimulated and demonstrate limited academic growth on school-based, standardised and national testing. Karen Rogers, in her meta-analysis of decades of research in the field of gifted and talented education, identifies five key “lessons” that describe what is consistently known and understood to be key strategies for gifted students. 1. Gifted learners need daily challenge in their specific areas of talent. 2. Opportunities should be provided on a regular basis for gifted learners to be unique and to work independently in their areas of passion and talent. 3. Provide various forms of subject-based & grade-based acceleration to gifted learners as their educational needs require. 4. Provide opportunities for gifted learners to socialise and to learn with like-ability peers (most likely not same-age peers). 5. For specific curriculum areas, instructional delivery must be differentiated in pace, amount of review and practice, and organisation of content presentation. (Rogers, 2007) The “daily challenge” message makes it clear that classroom teachers are the critical ingredient in ensuring gifted students are learning every day, and this message is reiterated within the AITSL Australian Professional Standards for Teachers Standards. Teachers of ability grouped, streamed or mixed-ability classes have strategies available to them as they are planning and implementing differentiated learning for gifted and talented students within their class. Engagement In order to maintain engagement in their education, it is important that gifted students are actually learning when they come to school each day, and see school as a place where their prior learning is recognised and new learning occurs. To ensure this happens on a daily basis, we must: Pre- and formatively assess students to determine prior knowledge and avoid students practicing and repeating skills, knowledge and understandings they have already mastered. Gifted students often experience school as a place where week after week, topic after topic, and year after year, they are asked to unnecessarily practice and repeat skills. It is important to find quick and efficient ways to find out what students know and have mastered, and to plan class and homework that introduces and builds upon new learning. Make sure students are not asked to complete ‘core’ work before they can access the work that is genuinely at their level and will offer challenge. Extension and challenge tasks that are given out after students have finished, fall into this category. A core principle of differentiation is that all students are working at their level from the beginning of a class, rather than having to ‘earn’ the work that they should be able to access from the beginning of a lesson. Gifted students often experience years of being ‘rewarded’ for completing their work by being given more, and over time they become demoralised or learn to avoid the extra work by finding ways to waste time. Avoid asking the strongest students to mentor, coach or teach other students. Teachers often do this with the rationale that this helps both students. In reality, neither the weak nor the strong student benefits from this arrangement. It is important to remember that our brightest students deserve to be learning new material rather than being a substitute teacher, just as other students expect to do every day. Gifted students enjoy and should be able to work with intellectual peers on a daily basis, in order to feel accepted, express their ideas without fear of criticism and to be appropriately challenged. Avoid asking students to catch-up on missed work if they are out of the classroom to access extension work or gifted programming. This is especially true if the missed work includes unnecessary practice and repetition! Whenever students are involved in withdrawal or pull-out programs, it is important to look for ways to assess knowledge and credit learning between the classroom and pull-out program. Gifted students enjoy learning when they can see the big picture and whole-to-part teaching works well to achieve this. Strategies such as introducing an ‘essential question’ or ‘big idea’ at the beginning of a unit of work, can increase student motivation to learn the necessary underlying skills and knowledge, and serve as a reminder to teachers to keep a focus on the high order aspects of the learning. Essential questions or big ideas must be higher order and interest can be increased by making them provocative, ambiguous and/or thought-provoking. Daily challenge There are a number of ways that teachers can offer daily challenge to students as they plan their differentiated success criteria, learning goals, resources, lessons, activities, assessments and programs. Level of abstractness – consider extending the thinking that students do, by increasing the level of abstractness. This can be done through questioning and task design, and can be a simple way to ensure students are thinking about and engaging with learning at a higher level without necessarily changing the activity or resource. Bloom’s Taxonomy (1956) is a good resource to assist with this planning, and research done by Davis and Rimm (2004) found that it is important for gifted and talented students to be working in the top three high order areas (Analysis, Synthesis, Evaluation) the majority of the time. Pace – differentiating the pace at which gifted and talented students are able to access and move through new material is vital to ensuring students are engaged and experiencing daily challenge. In order for teachers to differentiate pace, they need to be pre and formatively assessing to determine what students already know and how quickly they are grasping new knowledge, skills and conceptual understanding, with an aim to reduce the amount of unnecessary repetition and practice. Degree of complexity – making a task more interconnected with other ideas can increase the rigour of the thinking required from students. We extend students when we ask them to think about multiple ideas and the connections between these ideas, rather than asking them to engage with one idea at a time. The SOLO Taxonomy (1982) is a good resource to assist with planning this type of learning, questioning and assessment, and teachers should aim for gifted and talented students to be consistently working in the top two areas (“Relational” and “Extended Abstract”). Accelerative options – Extension, enrichment and the strategies listed above are important ways to plan appropriately challenging learning experiences for gifted and talented students, however accelerative options are equally important, if not more so. Accelerative options are any learning material that offers above-grade material or access to this material. For many gifted and talented students, there is only so much differentiation, extension and enrichment that is possible before they genuinely need to explore and learn above-level material. VanTassel-Baska and Stambaugh (2006) argue that accelerating content must be considered as a priority by teachers when planning learning experiences for gifted and talented students. Learning gain As teachers we need to ask if we have the information we need to measure the learning gain of our gifted students. If we can’t measure learning gain, it is unlikely we are offering them daily challenge and may mean they are not learning at all, even if they seem to be achieving. To ensure we can measure learning gain, we need to design our pre assessments so that we can find out the point at which students do not know material. If a preassessment is too easy and students get every aspect correct, then we have not discovered a baseline from which to plan our teaching and we will not be able to measure learning gain if it occurs. We also need to ensure our summative assessments offer enough difficulty to assess the advanced learning that students have been accessing. Implementing these strategies in no way implies that gifted students deserve more than any other student. Rather, we are endeavouring to level the playing field for these students, to provide the same degree of challenge as other students experience each day at school, to foster the same ability to persevere with tasks that are difficult, to see themselves as learners, and to experience school as a place where learning occurs on a daily basis. References Biggs, J., and Collis, K. (1982). The SOLO Taxonomy. New York: Academic Press. Bloom, B.S. (1956). Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Handbook I: The Cognitive Domain. New York: Longmans, Green. Davis, G.A., and Rimm, S,B. (2004). Education of the gifted and talented. University of Michigan: Pearson. Rogers, K.B. (Fall, 2007). Lessons Learned About Educating the Gifted and Talented: A Synthesis of the Research on Educational Practice. Gifted Child Quarterly, 51(4), 382-396. VanTassel-Baska, J., and Stambaugh, T. (2006) Comprehensive Curriculum for Gifted and Talented Learners, 3rd Edition. College of William and Mary: Pearson.
January 17, 2025
You will have students in your group or class who upon entry, will already know how to read, or have an inherent knowledge of numbers and their patterns. It is vital for you, as a teacher, to understand student mastery of concepts, which is best done through pre-assessment and talking to the student’s parents. This will guide you to plan appropriate adjustments to meet each child’s learning needs. Every student has the right to learn something new every day. A question, that you, as a teacher, can ask yourself is: Am I meeting the needs of ALL my students, or just some of them? While it is vital that teachers know their students and how they learn, this response focuses on the overall classroom learning environment. The learning environment must meet the needs of all students in an inclusive, safe, and accepting way. All student contributions should be valued and respected equally by both teachers and classmates. Play based structures are one way of meeting these needs. Activities, tasks, lessons and enrichment, for this age group, are best done incorporating play, discovery and inquiry. Consider the unit you are currently teaching. Consider the main concept and translate that to ‘big picture’ ideas. Gifted students love ‘big ideas.’ Some examples (F-2) using the Australian Curriculum HASS (Humanities and Social Sciences) units include: My personal world: Key concept Identity How my world is different from the past and can change in the future: Key concept Change Our past and present connections to people and places: Key concept Connections Science-based tasks and activities where creativity abounds, lend themselves beautifully to this ‘key concept’ scenario. This way all students can access the activity, but the gifted students will take it to a deeper level. Observe these students and create annotations, which can be used as just one identification tool. This will provide data for recommending further identification measures. You could have several activities grouped under one theme e.g., Change . Provide the activities as part of play-based choices but extend student thinking by providing provocative questions. These could be written on large cards. This provides the students with choices, which is a strategy to meet the needs of gifted students. Some examples: 1. How can we change plastic bottles so they can grow plants? (Adult supervision will be needed for cutting) Provide : plastic bottles, pictures, plants and other relevant materials. Design: Arrange plants and rocks in a way that people will be able to see them all clearly. Provocative questions: You are making a terrarium. In a terrarium you do not need to water your plants. Where will the plants get their water from? How has changing the bottle to a terrarium helping the environment? What other objects could we make out of plastic bottles? Adjustment to the core curriculum : Complexity 2. How can we change a torch into a communication device? Provide: torches, a dark space and a Morse code chart Design: Choose a word to send to a friend in Morse code Provocative questions : Invent a new method of communication. How will your new method of communication change people’s lives? Adjustment to the core curriculum: Choice 3. How can we change a paper glider to turn left or right or loop the loop? Provide: templates to make paper gliders, cardboard, plasticine, paperclips, sticky tape, scissors Design: Add weight and/or folds to change flight trajectory. Test and modify. Provocative questions: How is the way my glider flies, similar to that of birds? What makes you say that? (Provide a way to observe bird flight e.g., near a window, you tube clip) What other changes could be made to an airplane and why? Adjustment to the core curriculum: Abstraction 4. How have push/pull toys changed over the years? Provide : old and modern push/pull toys, pictures of old push/pull toys and modern push/pull toys, websites that demonstrate the push/pull action, materials to build a toy that moves Design : Invent a toy that moves. Provocative questions: How can your toy be changed to move uphill? How can your toy be changed to carry a load? Adjustment to the core curriculum: Critical and creative thinking These differentiated adjustments to the core curriculum will give you an idea of the strategies that can be employed for young, gifted children. They may be inspired by the provocative questions, or they may come up with their own. Providing open-ended activities will allow each student to shine, swap ideas respectfully and discuss collaboratively. Allow students to share their thinking and encourage their classmates to actively listen. Promote respect and awe by praising and encouraging innovation and invention in student-constructed products. These strategies will create whole class cohesion and a safe space for ALL students to thrive.
January 16, 2025
Identification of giftedness can help schools and parents determine their child’s academic and social emotional needs. Educators in the field of gifted education recommend multiple assessment strategies be used in the classroom to determine giftedness. However formal identification showing levels of giftedness, can only be administered by a registered professional. These can include school psychologists and private educational and clinical psychologists. Commonly used assessments in Australia include: Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children WISC-V (Age 6 -16) Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence WPPSI-IV (Age 2 -7.7) Stanford-Binet V (Age 2 - 85+). Educational psychologists consider a gifted IQ to be 130 or higher (98th percentile) on any of these three tests. The IQ scores and levels of giftedness however, have different meanings when comparing the WISC or WPPSI with the Stanford-Binet. If you need to compare two different tests, you can look at the percentile score, rather than the IQ number. For example, a profoundly gifted student whose IQ is at the 99.9 percentile will score a full-scale IQ of 145+ on the WISC-V and WPPSI-IV. However, they will score 180+ if administered the Stanford-Binet V. Levels of giftedness on the WISC-V and WPPSI-IV are as follows: Level 1 (terms superior to moderately gifted on IQ tests) have IQ scores of around 117 to 129 Level 2 (terms moderately to highly gifted on IQ tests) have IQ scores of around 125-135 Level 3 (terms highly to exceptionally gifted on IQ tests) have IQ scores of around 130 to 140 Level 4 (terms exceptionally to profoundly gifted on IQ tests) have IQ scores of around 135-141+ (or 145+ on either a verbal or nonverbal domain of the test) Level 5 (term profoundly gifted on IQ tests and generally score at the 99.9th percentile), have IQ scores of around 145+. IQ and levels of giftedness on the Stanford-Binet V are as follows: Mildly gifted, IQ range 115-129 (prevalence > 1:4) Moderately gifted, IQ range 130-144 (prevalence 1:40 - 1:100) Highly gifted, IQ range 145-159 (prevalence 1:1000 - 1:10 00) Exceptionally gifted, IQ range 160-179 (prevalence 1:10 000 - 1:1 million) Profoundly gifted, IQ 180+ (prevalence < 1:1 million). The challenges in administering these tests vary. They take several hours to administer and score, which makes them expensive. The verbal component scores may be impacted by culturally or linguistically diverse student groups and so they can be less effective in these individuals. They also do not measure other forms of giftedness, such as creative giftedness The strengths of these tests are that they are written for targeted age groups. They also have rigor in standardisation, rigor in the medium of measurement and consistency in administration requirements. These tests, therefore, are reliable, valid, and objective. The assessments have a long history based on large normative samples and validity has been established in multiple countries.  These instruments measure both verbal and non-verbal reasoning. They are administered individually, and the reports not only give a test score but also observations about behaviours during the testing process such as levels of attention and emotional dependence. This individual administration may also reduce anxiety levels for the student.
August 7, 2024
Researchers at Deakin University are interested to hear your views and experiences of school attendance and school attendance challenges. Are you a school staff member in an Australian school program? OR Are you: The parent of a school-aged child? Living in Australia? Fluent in English? Follow this link to complete the survey. Upon completion of the survey you may enter a draw to win a retail gift voucher. Contact for further information. This study has received Deakin University ethics approval (reference number: HEAG H 94_2023) Deakin University CRICOS Provider Code: 00113B
By Michaela Epstein, Founder & Director, Maths Teacher Circles July 21, 2024
Maths has an identity problem.
By Eddie July 18, 2024
We only attend the campus two or three days a week and also work from home. School has been a wonderful process over the past few years I’ve been doing it. The teachers have been very nice over the whole period. A normal school wouldn’t have worked for me as I’m a very gifted child in some areas but in others areas I’m very low at as I have dyslexia. Let’s start with reading. Dyslexia makes reading very hard for me and I find it very hard to read big words. The teachers help because they let us use talk to text and iPads rather than handwriting. Now let’s go to science. Science I’m very gifted and I often work at year 7 science level. But that’s not the most gifted subject at all. There’s one more that stands out the most and that is maths. I’m doing year 10 maths at the age of 8. The other subjects I am at normal level although I have a deep understanding. I use assistive technology to write this (called my Mum) and she also helped me to aurally learn a script of 69 pages. 
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"It gave me the enthusiasm to bring these ideas back to my school and advocate and cater appropriately for our gifted and talented students"
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