Future Focus: A Gifted Education Paradigm Shift

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AAEGT 2022 Virtual Conference

Future Focus:

A Gifted Education Paradigm Shift

Friday Oct 21 - Saturday Oct 22, 2022

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AAEGT Members:  $65

Non Members:  $110

Full time Education Students: $50

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Keynote Speaker: Professor Robert J. Sternberg

presenting Transformational Giftedness


Tentatively scheduled: 11:30am AEDT Saturday 22nd October

11:30am Sydney / 10:30am Brisbane / 10:00am Adelaide & Darwin / 8:00am Perth


  • Abstract: This presentation focuses attention on the identification and development of transformational giftedness; giftedness directed toward creating a better world...

    Giftedness as it is usually conceived of is a transactional personal characteristic.  Certain young people are identified as "gifted." In exchange for this identification, they are expected to perform well in school and, later, in their jobs, and to excel in other culturally prescribed criteria.  In exchange, they receive special benefits, such as faster tracks in school, often better teachers, superior college and university admissions, better jobs, and more income. The problem with this transaction between the individual and the school is that it takes into account the egocentric needs of the individual but not, sufficiently, the common good of the world.  Too many gifted youths are making a Faustian bargain, receiving benefits in exchange for jobs such as finding ways of addicting children to social media, creating more and more powerful munitions for aggressive and right, now, unforgivable wars, and generating the industrial output that will increase global climate change.  I suggest in the talk that we pay more attention to the identification and especially the development of transformational giftedness, which is giftedness directed toward creating a better world--toward making a positive, meaningful, and enduring difference to the world as a whole.  The world no longer can afford to develop giftedness that benefits only individuals and not the collective good of humankind and the diverse species that populate the Earth.  And it certainly cannot afford to develop the kind of pseudo-transformational, toxic giftedness that so many leaders show in the world today. These toxic leaders pretend to benefit their followers, when in fact they only care about the accrual of power and resources to themselves.

  • Biography: Robert J. Sternberg is Professor of Psychology at Cornell University and Honorary Professor of Psychology at the University of Heidelberg, Germany...

    Robert J. Sternberg is Professor of Psychology at Cornell University and Honorary Professor of Psychology at the University of Heidelberg, Germany.  His PhD is from Stanford and he holds 13 honorary doctorates.  He is a past winner of the Grawemeyer Award in Psychology and has won the William James and James McKeen Cattell Awards from the Association for Psychological Science.  According to Google Scholar, he has been cited over 200,000 times and has an h index of 224.  His latest books are Adaptive Intelligence (Cambridge University Press, 2021), and (with Judith Glück) Wisdom: The Psychology of Wise Thoughts, Words, and Deeds (Cambridge University Press, 2022), and The Psychology of Wisdom: An Introduction (Cambridge University Press, 2022). He is coeditor with Don Ambrose and Sareh Karami of the Palgrave Handbook of Transformational Giftedness for Education.

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Keynote Speaker: Scott J. Peters

presenting What Makes for Defensible Gifted Education?


Tentatively scheduled: 12:15pm AEDT Friday 21st October

12:15pm Sydney / 11:15am Brisbane / 10:45am Adelaide & Darwin / 9:15am Perth


  • Abstract: This session will outline essential criteria for what makes an advanced learning opportunity defensible and appropriate vs. indefensible and needlessly exclusionary with specific connections to Australian selective high school systems...

    In the first six months of 2021, the American states of Virginia and California as well as the cities of Vancouver, Canada and Madison, Wisconsin took steps to discontinue honors classes in the name of improving equity. New York City and Champagne-Urbana, Illinois have discontinued some or all their gifted programs with an eye toward the same goal. All of this points to a critical component of any advanced learning opportunities – the need to be defensible. This session will outline essential criteria for what makes an advanced learning opportunity defensible and appropriate vs. indefensible and needlessly exclusionary with specific connections to Australian selective high school systems.

  • Biography: Scott J. Peters' research work focuses on educational assessment and data use, gifted and talented student identification, equity within advanced educational opportunities, and educational policy....

    Scott J. Peters, Ph.D. is a Senior Research Scientist with the Center for School and Student Progress at NWEA. Prior to joining NWEA he served as a Professor of Assessment and Research Methodology at the University of Wisconsin – Whitewater for 13 years. His research work focuses on educational assessment and data use, gifted and talented student identification, equity within advanced educational opportunities, and educational policy. His scholarly work has appeared in the Australian Educational Researcher, AERA Open, Teaching for High Potential, the British Journal of Educational Psychology, Exceptional Children, Gifted Child Quarterly, the Journal of Advanced Academics, Gifted and Talented International, the Journal of Career and Technical Education Research, Ed Leadership, Phi Delta Kappan, Gifted Child Today, and Pedagogies. He is the first author of Beyond Gifted Education: Designing and Implementing Advanced Academic Programs and Designing Gifted Education Programs and Services: From Purpose to Implementation, both from Prufrock Press, and the co-author (along with Jonathan Plucker) of Excellence Gaps in Education: Expanding Opportunities for Talented Students, published by Harvard Education Press.

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